Thank you very much for your purchase!

If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this documentation, please feel free to email or contact us via my page.

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Hexzy is a bootstrap 5 based fully responsive admin template. It comes with lots of reusable and beautiful UI elements, widgets and features. It allows developer to easily build a super awesome web application.

You are important for us and so please feel free to get back to me with any question or feedback.

I have tried my best to have standards and modular structure while developing the theme. Following sections are explaining the theme File & Folder, structure, html file struture and plugins.

File & Folder Structure

Theme Directory
├── html files
├── scss/
│   └── All SASS files
├── css/
│   └── All css files.
├── fonts/
├── pages/
│   └── All the pages related scripts
├── images/
│   └── All images
├── plugins/
│   └── The plugins files - which are not available through bower
└── js/
    └── All common Javascripts files

HTML Structure



Sass is a CSS pre-processor and it extends the CSS language, adding features that allow variables, mixins, functions and many other techniques that allow you to make CSS that is more maintainable, themable and extendable. Sass runs inside Node, in the browser and inside Rhino.

The main style.css file and icon.css are pre-compiled using sass compiler and provided inside the assets/css/ folder. In case if you are not familiar with sass or don't have any environment setup which can be used to compile the sass file, you can use these CSS file directly. But if you are familiar with sass, then I'll suggest you to use the sass files.

Files are explained below:

File Description
bootstrap.css Hexzy uses the bootstrap v5.3.2 The core bootstrap file is being used in all the pages.
icons.scss/icons.css Combines various font icons. You should remove the fonts you don't plan to use from this file and recompile it.
style.scss/style.css The main stylesheet file, it's being generated from sass and contains all the css styles combined.


Hexzy uses jQuery, Bootstrap JS framework(at its core) and some of the third-party plugins. There are may more third party plugin which you can use according to your needs. The css is already containing matching style for these plugins so you will not need to do anything around it.

They are explained below:

File Description
jquery.js, bootstrap.js, jquery.nicescroll, jquery.slimscroll, etc. These files are used at core of the theme.
app.js This is a main js file. It contains the custom JS code needed for features including layout, sidebar, etc. Also it contains the definition of some of the key components (e.g. notifications, portlet, etc) and code (for self-initialization) related to some of the controls (e.g. modal, range-slider, switchery, multiselect, etc).
pages/*.js These are the files containing pages specific code. They are mainly used for demo purpose.
plugins/**.js All supported and integrated third-party plugins are included in here.

The theme contains various utilies including some helper classes, widgets, etc. Please find them below:

Helper Classes:

Class Description
.p-0 Removes all padding space
.p-t-10 Adds 10px top padding
.p-b-10 Adds 10px bottom padding
.m-0 Remove all margin
.m-e-5 Adds 5px right margin
.m-e-10 Adds 10px right margin
.m-e-15 Adds 15px right margin
.m-s-10 Adds 10px left margin
.m-s-15 Adds 15px left margin
.m-t-10 Adds 10px top margin
.m-t-15 Adds 15px top margin
.m-t-20 Adds 20px top margin
.m-t-30 Adds 30px top margin
.m-t-40 Adds 40px top margin
.m-b-10 Adds 10px bottom margin
.m-b-15 Adds 15px bottom margin
.m-b-30 Adds 30px bottom margin
.w-xs Minimum width 80px
.w-sm Minimum width 95px
.w-md Minimum width 110px
.w-lg Minimum width 140px
.b-0 Removes all borders

Once again thank you for purchasing the theme. I am always avaialble to help you. If you have any suggestion or feature to make it more better, I am requesting you to contact me, I'll try my best to add them in future updates.



Version 1.2.0 - 05 Dec 2023

  • Updated bootstrap to v5.3.2

Version 1.1.0 - 23 Dec 2019

  • Updated bootstrap to v4.4.1

Version 1.0.0 - 26 Jun 2019

  • Initial released

Copyright © 2023 ThemesDesign.