
Vuesy is built with Bootstrap v5.3.3 and Symfony v7.1 with developer friendly code. You can simply change the layouts and mode using this template.


Please follow below steps to install and setup all prerequisites:


To setup admin theme, follow below mentioned steps:

After you finished with the above steps, you can run the following commands into the terminal / command prompt from the root directory of the project to run the project locally or build for production use:

Command Description
composer install This would install all the required packages in the vendor folder.
If you getting any error when running composer install command, don't worry please continue with : composer update
symfony server:start Runs the project locally. The development server is accessible at http://localhost:8000.
symfony server:start --port=8001 If You Wish to Runs the project locally on Different Port. The development server is accessible at http://localhost:8001.

If you are hosting on linux apache server then make sure to give appropriate permission to public folder while hosting your project on server.

© Vuesy.
Crafted with by Themesdesign