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AUXX50 Coupon code applied successfully.
Cotton collar t-shirts for men
Like style travel black handbag
Blive Printed Men Round Neck
Sub Total : $2,847.55
Discount (AUXX50): -$476.00
Shipping Charge : $89.00
Estimated Tax (12.5%) : $70.62
Total : $2,531.17
Order Overview
Shipping Details
Pauline Hylton

1235 Crossing Meadows Dr, Onalaska

West Virginia, USA

Billing Details
Pauline Hylton

1235 Crossing Meadows Dr, Onalaska

West Virginia, USA

Payment Details
ID: #TSD456DF41SD5

Payment Method: Credit Card

Card Number: xxxx xxxx xxxx 1501

Customer Info
Pauline Hylton

+(78) 120 4843 4714


Order ID

02 Nov, 2023

Order Date

09 Nov, 2023

Delivery Date


Order Amount


Order Status

Order Summary
Cancelled Order
Sub Total $932.16
Estimated Tax (18%) $167.79
Item Discounts (12%) -$111.86
Shipping Charge $0
Total Amount (USD) $988.09
Order Placed

Your order has been successfully submitted.

02 Nov, 2023

Order Processing

Once the order is received, it goes through the processing stage. During this time, the items are gathered, and the order is prepared for shipment.

02 Nov, 2023

Shipped Order

The order is shipped out to the customer's designated delivery address.

04 Nov, 2023

Out for Delivery

This status indicates that the order is currently out for delivery by the shipping or courier company.

06 Nov, 2023


Finally, when the order successfully reaches the customer's address and is handed over, the status changes to "Delivered."

09 Nov, 2023

Invoice No. #TWI154203
Shipping No #TWS987102301
Logistics Details
Track Order
Express Delivery

ID: EDTW1400457854

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