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To enable dark mode in Tailwind CSS, update your tailwind.config.js file with the darkMode option. You can choose between two different dark mode strategies: media or class.

Using class, the dark mode is enabled by adding a .dark class to an ancestor element of your components:

module.exports = {
    darkMode: 'class', // or 'media'
    // ...

To get started with your first plugin, import Tailwind’s plugin function from tailwindcss/plugin. Then inside your plugins array, call the imported plugin function with an anonymous function as the first argument.

const plugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin')

    module.exports = {
    plugins: [
        plugin(function({ addUtilities, addComponents, e, config }) {
        // Add your custom styles here

You can customize the tailwind.config.js file to override the default configuration options provided by Tailwind CSS. The configuration file follows the following structure:

module.exports = {
        purge: [],
        theme: {
            extend: {
        variants: {},
        plugins: [],

Tailwind CSS generates responsive variants for most utilities, allowing you to create responsive designs easily. By default, it includes four breakpoints:

  • sm: 640px
  • md: 768px
  • lg: 1024px
  • xl: 1280px
<div class="lg:flex">
    <!-- Your content here -->
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